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let me step through every frame 讓我跨過每扇框
exhibited as part of "Little Lightning"
curated by 11TIMES (ft. Andrew Woolbright) of NYC Crit Club
at The Canopy Studio, Manhattan, New York

7:55 video


let me step through every frame 讓我跨過每扇框 (2024) is a performance in video (07:55) responding to the Patriotic Women Association in Tainan City of Taiwan, an architectural remnant of the Japanese occupation over the island between 1895 to 1945. while the association helped to abolish cruel foot-binding practices of cultural capital in the female Sino bodies in then Taiwan, the Japanese conversely instigated a different brutal desire on the binding of feet for national interests through the tightening of military boots for perceived combat-readiness as an eventual post-war defense tactic. i use (my) feet, both literally and metaphorically, as an entry-point into understanding this complicated influence of Japanese colonial rule during World War II over my parent states, Singapore and Taiwan, and subsequently, over my own unmoored, displaced, home-less body. the hope is to step through these physical and psychological frame(work)s, and to ultimately walk away from violence.